Monday 26 October 2009

Creative Partnerships

In 2009-10, Nimble Fish is working with Creative Partnerships programmes in London, Essex, Kent and Haven Gateway. The common link with our current CP projects is a focus on innovative uses of physical space to enrich and enliven teaching and learning. All of our current CP projects also emphasize co-creation of learning strategies that involve collaboration between teachers and young people. Nimble Fish has a long-standing connection to Creative Partnerships and has advised the programme at a national level. Most current projects are in their early stages, and we'll post later as work progresses.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Learning Town Project

We are still getting positive feedback from the Learning Town Fair, an event that convened 13 Southend schools for a day of shared art and creativity in Southend's Victoria Plaza. The event was attended by an estimated 2,000 people and is believed to have been the largest single education event of its kind in the town's history. For more information, check out the project website. The Learning Town Fair was sponsored by Southend Education Trust and Royal Opera House Creative Partnerships.

Outdoor Play and Learning

Greg continues to have a fantastically rewarding time leading Nimble Fish work for the Early Years Buddying Project, a joint effort of Kent County Council and Future Creative. Using Scandinavian 'forest schools' as inspiration, the project seeks to spark creativity and independent learning in Nursery and Reception children through greater exposure to outdoor environments. The project is working with schools in Gravesend.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Cultural Baton

As part of Kent's response to the upcoming 2012 Cultural Olympiad, Nimble Fish is working with students at Istead Rise Primary School in Gravesend to develop a response to concepts of place and culture. Specifically, we're interested in how young people define and explore what 'culture' means to them on a day to day basis; how it affects their lives, and how they can share what's important of their culture with outsiders. Istead Rise is one of four schools that will present their work at a special event on 3 December at Assembly Hall Theatre in Tunbridge Wells.

Burning Out

Nimble Fish are pleased to be working with writer Katherine May to develop an audience-immersive performance installation inspired by her new novel, 'Burning Out'. With funding support from Shepway Find Your Talent, the performance will have its first run at the 2009 Folkestone Literature Festival. Stay tuned for further details.